It might be hard to imagine, but you might just be able to emerge from this Corona virus quarantine in better shape than you were when this whole thing started.
Here’s why:
1. Health is top of mind.
When you see people getting sick in such massive numbers, it makes sense that we all are more appreciative of our health. While exercise and eating right can’t prevent getting the Corona virus, exercise does strengthen your immune system, see my recent blog on this here for the evidence.
Proper diet and exercise also eliminates many of the comorbidities that are linked with more severe symptoms of the Corona virus. Those with diabetes or heart disease, for example, are at a greater risk of having more severe reactions to the Corona virus.
You can use this as elevated consciousness of how important your health is as a major source of motivation: One of the the biggest factors linked to motivation, when it comes to exercise and eating well, is a clear sense that you really need to do it.
2. Your options are limited, making you focus more on a few highly effective things
Sometimes when you have less decisions, it makes it easier to commit and focus. So right now you don’t have a gym, and you likely have limited equipment.
That means your choices of exercises has greatly reduced. The good news is that it forces you to focus on resistance training instead of aerobics classes. Calisthenics instead of the elliptical or bike. You can work on those pushups instead of the machine press, lunges instead of the leg press, step-ups instead of leg extensions, etc.
Many of these limited options will, at the very least, be a novel stimulus that can bust you out of a rut with your normal plan. At most, it might expose you to more effective and challenging options.
The effect of this smaller menu can have a huge impact on your fitness, and might be the biggest reason why you’ll come out of this quarantine stronger and healthier than ever.
3. You’re craving a sense of control.
Perhaps one of the most stressful aspect of the situation is the sense of a lack of control. Not being able to socialize or work in some cases, go where you want, do what you want, and confusion over what is ok to do or not to do. These are all making us feel powerless. It’s not a good feeling. But I’ve been following a mantra that has certainly helped: control the controllables.
One of those controllables is staying as healthy as possible. That is something we can completely control. The satisfaction of a good workout is a positive spark in gloomy times. Knowing that of all the things going out of control like your hair, work, and social life, your fitness doesn’t need to be one of them.
With just your body, you have all the equipment you need to perform an amazing workout that will build strength, endurance, mobility, and much more. Stay tuned for a guide that will describe exactly what to do to get an amazing workout at home even when you don’t have any exercise equipment.
4. With a change of routine, new behaviors can emerge
Everyone is adjusting to major changes in routine; working from home, home schooling kids, and limiting our social engagements. While there are plenty of negatives to this, there are some positives.
Some evidence suggests that major changes in routine are perfect opportunities to develop new habits. For example; when people change jobs, start a relationship, or move, they often find these changes are catalysts to switch things up. One of those things can be cooking meals more often, and another can be doing a morning fitness routine.
Regardless of whether the meals are perfect or the workout is ideal, the simple habits being engrained by eating at home more and making an exercise routine more regular can provide a chance for lasting behavior improvements.
5. You realize that you need activity to stay sane
Being couped up has us all feeling a little off. Drinks and Netflix can only help so much. After a while, that will grow stale.
Fortunately, many are turning to exercise because it has a big impact on their mood, their sleep quality, and productivity. These are just the short term effects.
As someone who is an avid exerciser, I’m even surprised about the magnitude of the effect exercise has on my mood. Given that stress is higher than normal for me now, it’s become even more apparent to me that exercise has profound effects on my state of mind.
This is a good lesson that will remind me in the future: when stress ramps up, if exercise was the thing that helped me manage a prolonged period of isolation, it will help for other sources of stress too.
6. You are eating out less.
While delivery is still an option, many restaurants are closed and others are only doing limited delivery. That means most of use are forced to cook meals more often. The good news is that monotony is the catalyst of innovation when it comes to cooking.
That means trying new things and learning new cooking skills. I’m finding that this is pushing me to be more creative in what I cook. These skills will stay with us long after the quarantine is over.
When we cook from home, we have more control of the ingredients and portions. Accordingly, many of us will find that we are eating less calories and taking in more healthy options which will have significant effects on making us healthier.
7. You are getting feedback where you need it most.
For our clients, this is where you have a huge advantage. Since about 70% of our clients are now training with us online, we are now able to observe you working out where previously we have not been able to…at home.
For those who are not working with us 3x/week, this has been an opportunity to see, in real time, how you’ve adapted your routine to your home. This is a big deal, because for those people, your home workout can make up a third of your exercise program.
Seeing how you are setting up and performing your exercises out of the studio has helped us identify and correct technique errors, and problem solve for how to adapt exercise, given the equipment you have.
The result is making your program even more effective when you are outside of the studio, assuring you get better results faster.
Based on what we are seeing with our clients who are engaged in virtual training, we will not be surprised to see them become healthier and more fit when this is over.
In fact, our clients are already noticing this themselves, and Spectrum client Wes C. tells us:
“I was doubtful about virtual training but I am really enjoying my sessions! I will come out of this with a healthy shoulder, very fit, and loss of 20 lbs!”
If you want to guarantee that you will emerge from this pandemic as healthy and fit as possible, be sure to reach out to us for virtual training. We have been able to assess, design, instruct, motivate, and support dozens of clients through video conferencing and email support. The results have been amazing.
Go to for more information.