Fat Loss Checklist
The Holidays can be a tough time on your waistline. While the research shows that the average person reaches their peak weight around Christmas and New Year’s, you can combat this by having a good strategy in place.There’s nothing like a good checklist to reduce a complex task to a series of manageable steps. So here’s my checklist to ensure fat loss
- Learn to differentiate a good meal from a bad meal, and eat accordingly.
- Do a thorough assessment: This includes body fat, a before picture, a movement screen, daily caloric needs estimation, 7 day meal plan, needs analysis, risk analysis, and goal determination.
- Perform resistance training regularly (3x/week for most)
- Perform interval training regularly (3x/week for most)
- Perform corrective exercises to reduce injury risk (3-7x/week)
- Track your compliance with your nutrition and exercise plan on a weekly basis. 100% compliance with exercise and 90% compliance with nutrition will result in fat loss.
- Hold yourself accountable, and enlist the help of others to hold you to your plan. Tracking your results is a must by re-assessing (see #2)
- Be honest with yourself: Are you working hard enough? Do you really know what you are doing? Are you frequently looking for excuses? Are you looking for the non-existent “quick and easy” solution?
- Avoid negative thoughts and influences.
- Recover properly: Get 7-9 hours of quality sleep on a regular basis and learn stress management.
I have never come across or heard of someone who followed this check-list and failed to reach their fat loss goals.
What things do you need help with on this list? Whether it’s just one thing, or all of them, the experts at Spectrum Fitness Consulting stand ready to help you with your goals.
You bring the desire, we’ll bring the results!
It’s much easier to prevent weight gain than to try and lose it. Our Holiday Waistline Protection Program is a great way to not only prevent weight gain this Holiday season, but actually help you lose weight and stay fit.. Click here to check out the details.