There isn’t a day that goes by when I don’t draw some inspiration from our clients at Spectrum Fitness Consulting. That inspiration fuels me, and because of what Spectrum is today, I clearly have a constant supply of inspiration.
It doesn’t make sense to hold back such a resource for those beyond the walls of our studio. Also, those who are making big changes in their health, in spite of obstacles, should be acknowledged. If you are like me and most everyone I know, you probably don’t take much time to reflect on what you accomplished, how you got there, and simply acknowledge that you did some good.
That’s why I decided to begin a new tradition at Spectrum Fitness Consulting, and used my annual new year event, Smart Fit, as the platform to do so.
Accordingly, this past week we announced our first ever Client of The Year, awarded to Carol Doucette. Here’s her story, what she’s accomplished, and what you should take away.
A Reluctant Participant:
It was exactly a year ago that we first met Carol and our annual January Seminar. A friend had sent her one of my emails promoting last year’s January speaking event. Skeptical, but hopeful, she attended. Here is her account of her first impressions about starting her fitness journey with Spectrum:
“I was very apprehensive, failures still fresh and not too sure of opening up, trusting someone into the very personal arena.. your words during the presentation helped me to walk through the Spectrum door!
I had worked individually, with trainers, nutrition consultants, health advisers, etc over the past 15 years. During this period, major work life challenges, two knee replacements and a shoulder repair added additional challenges to life and finally I was lost in the process. Two trainers were uncomfortable and unsure regarding what to do and how to handle the strength training after surgeries,,so I backed away.”
Carol’s Goals:
Carol had many goals, some she doubted we could help her with because of her prior failed attempts. But we knew exactly what to do:
“Improve strength and stability, be able to bring myself from seated position on the floor to a standing, weight loss, trust, were a few of the things on my list discussed with Tom at the initial consultation. As he reviewed and listened to me, there was no hesitation on his part that Spectrum would be able to work with me to meet these goals…I was surprised and hesitant.”
Carol’s First Victory
After a few months of training, Carol hit a major milestone.
“For the first time in six years, with Tom’s push and belief in my ability, I was able to move from a floor position to a standing position. I never thought this would ever happen, I do not know how to express my sense of accomplishment. Tom has continued to help me to move past these personal barriers; now I know that I can handle/move forward through these self imposed obstacles.”
The proof
Here are Carol’s before and after pictures, several months into training:
More Than Pounds And Inches:
Carol has continued to make major changes since these pictures were taken. Perhaps even more impressive than the weight and inches she continues to lose is the function she gains.
Carol has squats 95lbs on the Yoke bar and Trap Bar Deadlifts 230lbs for reps. She can also do 20 rounds of High Intensity Interval Training (for reference, many of our fit 40 somethings struggle with 5 rounds of HIIT when they begin training.
Where Is Carol Now?
Perhaps this is the best indicator of what’s to come for Carol:
“My mindset is totally changed! The knowledgeable, supportive Spectrum group developed a progressive training and nutrition program for me addressing my issues. This program continues to evolve as we move forward in this partnership. From the initial consultation to today, no issue or problem is too challenging for the Spectrum group to address and resolve.
With Tom Biggart, Dave Knight and Michael Stare’s continual support, belief in my abilities, I have greatly improved my body strength, stability, continued to remove both physical and self-imposed obstacles and build trust in myself, allowing for success and a lifestyle built for the future. Each session, I learn how to perform exercises correctly, without injury, and continue to “challenge” myself to improve.”
Carol continues to thrive in small group training, and will be training with us throughout 2014. No one doubts that she will continue her remarkable transformation in 2014. Carol will also be rejoining us in our upcoming Body Balance Challenge, which played an integral role in helping her get a handle on her nutrition.
Carol won the Complete Fitness Overhaul, which includes a comprehensive assessment, physical therapy evaluation, nutrition consultation, training sessions, and a re-assessment exclusively with me.
Lessons Learned
Success leaves clues, and Carol has delivered a wealth of indicators for you to take to heart:
1. Mindset is key: Your belief system needs to change for you body to change, and it often takes a good nudge from many different directions to get you there.
2. Inspiration is there if you look for it. Carol was cynical, but she followed the advice of a trusted friend, and sought out help. Carol credits coming to my seminar as the catalyst for action. Don’t minimize the significance of an email, article, seminar, or conversation with your friend as a potential trigger for you to take action.
3. Support and knowledge is critical: At Smart Fit, I discussed the KEA factors the govern fitness success: Knowledge, Environment, and Accountability. Carol has embraced every element of this model. When this happens, success is guaranteed.
Will You Be Spectrum’s 2014 Client of the Year?
It might seem like a distant goal to achieve what Carol has, but hopefully this story shows what can be accomplished in less that a year’s time. So why NOT you? whatever your goals or obstacles, there are solutions. Click here to take the next step.